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Book Shaker Furniture John Kassay

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In 1980, Kassay published "The Book of Shaker Furniture" to wide acclaim. The book featured his own illustrations based on years of research. The book was universally praised for its exquisitely rendered and finely detailed drawings of Shaker furniture.

When former President Jimmy Carter received Kassay's book on Shaker furniture in late 1983, he wrote at the bottom of the official typed reply letter: "I've long admired the beautiful simplicity of Shaker furniture and have made several of their pieces myself. Merry Christmas. JC."[1]

In late 1983, Professor Kassay sent former President Jimmy Carter his book on Shaker furniture. It turned out that Carter was a fan. He wrote back thanking Professor Kassay for the book and on the bottom of an official typed letter was a handwritten note from Carter:

Of the more than one hundred experiments in communitarian living that proliferated in America during the nineteenth century, the Untied Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing , whose adherents are best known as "Shakers," is certainly one of the most interesting, successful, and enduring. This book is a collection of furniture made by members of this remarkable American religious sect.

Combining comfort, simplicity, and craftsmanship, Windsor chairs have long been prized by collectors. Introduced from England in the early 1700s, the Windsor style took hold in America first as seating for the well-to-do and later as the favorite chair of the general population. Included in the Windsor family are stools, tables, settees, high chairs, cradles, and candle stands, but the greatest variety is found in the chairs, which range from comb-back to bow-back to step-down versions. Their makers took advantage of the natural properties of different woods for particular components of the chairs, employing hickory, red oak, or ash for bent parts, maple for turnings, and pine for seats. Kassay meticulously documents all of these features and styles with drawings so accurate and precise that amateur furniture makers can use them as blueprints for creating Windsor reproductions. The drawings are complemented by narrative descriptions, photographs, and a list of measured parts for each of the pieces under discussion. What people are saying - Write a reviewReviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identifiedUser Review - Flag as inappropriateAs with all of kassays works, this is a must for any collection. A classic 1e1e36bf2d

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