Is WritersPerHour reliable?
Yes. WritersPerHour has a reputation for reliability. There is no one perfect.
You can rest assured that you will receive a professional article when you place an order through this platform. Only writers with higher education are allowed to work on this forum and strive to deliver every article within the deadline.
Sites claim to offer unlimited free revisions. This may be true for some users but not in my case. When I reached out for the fourth time, the writer I selected refused to make corrections to my work. This is not an issue with the platform, but a personal difference. Other writers may be eager to make changes regardless of how many times they are expected to. Make sure you are clear and concise with your instructions.
Although the customer support system is slow and inattentive on this platform, it appears to be the most serious problem. Everything else was excellent.
This website is a great place to work. Although many aspects work slow (like support), or are very unreliable (like writers), overall it's a middle-writing service that makes mistakes.
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